Eat Your Fruits and Veggies
How many teens are eating enough fruits and vegetables each day? You might be surprised by the dismal answer. How do you solve it?
What are your [re]solutions?
It’s that time of year when we start making our resolutions. You know the drill… I resolve to join a gym (ha! that’s so January 2020). I resolve to drink less alcohol. I resolve to spend less money (that will certainly be easy until restrictions are lifted!)
But what are resolutions really about? Why do we wait until the New Year to start something? Is it because we don’t really want to be doing whatever that “good for me” thing is?
What if we created solutions instead?
Gardening: More than Food
I love summertime gardening. The long sunny days ensure a bumper crop of tomatoes, snap peas, onions, cucumbers, zucchini... But here in Santa Barbara, we get May Gray and June Gloom, too. Those days without sun may feel like we've been robbed of a summer day. (Mark Twain is credited with quipping. "The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco." I get the feeling.)

Silver Linings: COVID Edition
"Every cloud has a silver lining," so the saying goes.
The global lockdown and countless deaths wrought by the coronavirus are certainly a heavy cloud that we are all under. For many people -- those who have lost loved ones, business, and more -- if there is a silver lining, they have not been able to see it yet.

What are you hungry for?
My goodness, we are in a time of rapid transitions and near-constant uncertainty. The COVID-19 pandemic has left us closed off and suspicious of others. Everything we have taken for granted -- work, school, commuting, sports, grocery shopping, visiting friends and family -- has been upended. The Black Lives Matter movement has magnificently captured the attention of Americans, and many nations abroad. That attention is leading to long-awaited changes from the individual level up to the largest institutions of our society.

Food: Our Love Language
Today is my older son's 17th birthday. Wow. It has been a journey, an adventure, and a privilege to be his mom. One thing that unites our family - literally - is food. We eat dinner together every night. What we put on the table can be challenge sometimes -- I don't eat gluten or dairy, and have significantly reduced the amount of animal products I consume. My husband eats a plant-based diet. And both boys have their own picky preferences. There's usually a lot of different foods to choose from every night!

Take a Trip...Down Memory Lane
We are all under stay-at-home orders. We have cancelled vacations, trips to see family, regular dinners with friends, and so much more. We are eating lots of beans and rice. Rays of hope and sunshine must be sought out, and are appreciated more than ever before.

Victory Garden
These weeks are starting to run into each other. There are small victories (I learned to knit!), and crushing blows (cancelling trips to visit friends). There is the agonizing uncertainty -- will my son get to go to his beloved summer camp? Will we be able to run our summer camps? What does school look like next year? For small victories, I turn to my garden.
Food to Anchor my Drifting Weeks
It's been seven weeks since our world changed. Seven weeks ago, I had a calendar full of plans -- urgent to-do's that had to be taken care of immediately, and plans that gave me something to look forward to. Most urgent of all was the Santa Barbara Culinary Experience. In two days, we were going to be teaching two classes as part of a weekend of events backed by The Julia Child Foundation for Gastronomy and the Culinary Arts. I was thrilled and nervous. I had stayed in touch with Julia Child people for four years, hoping to be part of the weekend. It was finally happening. One of our classes would be held at the Saturday Farmer's Market. This was a little unnerving -- we had to build our own little kitchen, and manage 12 pre-teens with knives and open flame. A lot could go wrong.

Resolve to make tiny changes
It's that time of year -- everyone is making resolutions, breaking resolutions, and resolving not to make any resolution ever again. Of course, we are going to weigh in with our list! There isn't really anything new here -- more fruits, veggies and exercise, less meat. But how to get there?

![Tomato Soup & [Baked] Grilled Cheese Sandwiches](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5fe26c75e1b4c135fb012297/1609456717054-TQTDU1BY7PQ1OPF0WPSL/tomato+soup+grilled+cheese+sandwich.jpg)